Károli University Continues Growing

2014. szeptember 29., tags: károli gáspár university, péter balla, interview

The number of matriculated students at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary increased again. The institution has expanded and is now waiting to welcome students in September with a new building. Rector Péter Balla also told us if he would be applying for the church elections this autumn.

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Reformed Church in Hungary

Address: H-1146 Budapest, Abonyi utca 21.   

PO Box: 1140 Budapest 70, Pf. 5

Phone/Fax: + 36 1 460 0708 

Email: oikumene@reformatus.hu

Our church through American eyes

We encourage you to read our  former GM intern Kearstin Bailey's blog about her time, spent in Hungary.